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626 visninger | Oprettet:

Måske har jeg vundet.....??? =D {{forumTopicSubject}}

Måske måske måske har jeg vundet .. øøhhh .. i hvert fald 300 dollars, måske mere.. Jeg kan sgutte rigtig finde ud af hvad det er *GG*

Jeg surfede lidt på nettet - op komer et vindue og siger at jeg er numme MANGE på den side og at jeg vil få en præmie..

Jeg har "vundet" noget før - det fandt Sonnes faaaaaaaaar så ud af at det ikke var rigtig vundet alligevel (en rejse) så det var skuffende =(

MEN denne gang er det en chek.. Noget med noget lotto...

Jeg hååååååber sådan det er for real, jeg er aldrig heldig med sådan nowet =/

Kender nogen af jer noget til www.freelotto.com ??

Spar penge på din forsikring

Kommentarer på:  Måske har jeg vundet.....??? =D
  • #1   11. nov 2006 Do no, men umiddelbart virker det lidt "for" tilfældigt på mig??

  • #2   11. nov 2006 lad nu være med at opgive kontonummer eller lignende...det lyder lidt fupagtigt, men vil da håbe det er rigtigt - så du kan få lidt monies..

  • #3   11. nov 2006 Jeg er ind imellemfaldet over den slags sider - jeg plejer bare at hoppe videre... Tror ikke en rygende fis på de smider om sig med den slags ting uden at få noget til gengæld... Og vil hade mig selv hvis jeg givermit kontonr ud og ifnder det rippet dagen efter smiley

  • #4   11. nov 2006 Det lyder ret skummelt... Ville ikke tro på det...

  • #5   11. nov 2006 jeg har ikke opgivet andet end min adresse og min mail.. jeg skriver INGEN kort-numre på nettet *ss*

  • #6   11. nov 2006 jeg passer fint på =)

    opgiver intet der kan tømmes - bare rolig =)

  • #7   11. nov 2006 Vi blir af og til ringet op fra USA, hvor de fortæller vi har vundet den store gevinst !
    De beder os ringe tilbage....argh.....
    Ønsker dig H&L - ku være fedt :o)

  • #8   11. nov 2006 Aner ikke om jeres gevinster er "ægte" *S*

    Husk blot på at mange kan sætte en "troværdig" side op på nettet.

  • #9   11. nov 2006 michelle - aaaaner ikk liiiige hvad der stod i boksen *GG*
    kl var langt over sengetid og jeg fungerede kun på instinkter..

    det var fordi jeg fik mail om det idag at jeg kom i tanke om det *GG*

  • #10   11. nov 2006 har fundet mange advarsler omkring free lotto og også freelotto.com... her er en af dem
    In the past I have ordered freelotto, but stopped when I found out they were not for real. It is nothing but a farce. They took money from my bank account again on 10-30-06. I can not find their phone number to call them. They are very dishonest and take advantage of the good, beware.

  • #11   11. nov 2006 Free Lotto - freelotto.com Break my heart and my wallet, ripoff New York
    I read the stories here and mine is similar, receiving emails everyday, stating that I won 1m, 50,000 and 300 respectively. It is sad to see these reports and to here that there are people out there collecting money from thousands of people all around the world. It makes me wonder who are these people. There are stories here with people who don't have much money and who trust these people to provide them with there winnings.

    Lets say you got this email stating that you one million dollars and you beleive its true. What do you do? Leave your job? go and spend all your savings, knowing that you have big cash coming. What if you are ill and in need of medical attention, this is definely the answer to those medical bills. Finally, God has answered your prayers. I don't know how these people (freelotto.com)can sleep at night.

    They are sending emails daily to thousands of people so why cant they be tracked and stopped. The internet is our way of life now, almost everything is conducted here. This is like a world on its own, like a country, so we need laws to governed the internet and the actions that we do here. Criminal activities take place here so there should be some mechanism in place to combat these 'illegal' activities.

  • #12   11. nov 2006 ØV

    jeg ville bare gerne være heldig =(

  • #13   11. nov 2006 Michelle * Team Frozen *
    Kan ikke finde noget negativt om det tyske lotteri...

  • #14   11. nov 2006 Fandt denne måske den kan hjælpe lidt på vej : (link fjernet)

  • #15   11. nov 2006 Det skulle vel ikke være en mail som denne her du har fået Nina:


  • #16   11. nov 2006 ahhh det skulle så have været til Michelle *GG*

  • #17   11. nov 2006 taaaaaaaak rene... det var bare fake var det =(

    gemmer lige siden så jeg ikk ryger i sådan noget igen !

    1000 tak for det

  • #18   11. nov 2006 Nå nu fandt jeg alligevel noget om den tyske lottery:

    Fraud email example:

    From: LOTTO Rheinland-Pflaz <Lotto.Rheinland.Pflaz@web.de>
    Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 14:17:24 +0200
    Subject: WIN NOTIFICATION-Contact Your Claims Agent!

    LOTTO Rheinland-Pfalz
    Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Strasse 2
    DE-56073 Koblenz,

    Reference Number: LRP/19-DE/9317
    Batch: LRP/06/41

    Dear Winner,


    We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual final draws of the LOTTO Rheinland-Pfalz Program. LOTTO Rheinland-Pfalz draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 25,000,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer ballot search from the internet as part of our international promotions program which we conduct every year. No tickets were sold.

    After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address attached to serial number 76-2006 drew the lucky numbers 3-24-1-10-49-17 which consequently emerged you as one of first fifty (50) lucky winners in this category.

    You have therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) in cash credited to file LRP/19-DE/9317. This is from a total cash prize of €50,000,000 (Fifty Million) Euro shared amongst the first fifty (50) lucky winners in this category.

    This year Lottery Program Jackpot is the largest ever for LOTTO Rheinland-Pfalz. The estimated €50 million jackpot would be the sixth-biggest in Europe history. The biggest was the €363 million jackpot that went to two winners in a Febuary 2000 drawing of The Big Game Mega Millions' predecessor.

    Your fund is now deposited in an offshore bank with a hardcover insurance. Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we advice that you keep this award from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to you as this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of this program by the general public.

    Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European booklet representative office in London. In view of this, your €1,000,000.00 (One Million Euro) would be released to you by our affiliate bank in Europe. Our agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds to you as soon as you make contact with him.

    To begin your claim please contact your claims agent:

    Mr.Wilson Gart
    Foreign Services Manager,
    Information and Payment Bureau.
    London Representative Office.
    Phone: +44-703-190-9501
    Fax: +44-870-478-4369
    Email: wilsongart001@yahoo.co.uk [mailto:wilsongart001@yahoo.co.uk]

    Your claims agent will assist you in the processing and remittance of your prize funds into your designated bank account.

    Note that all prize funds must be claimed not later than One month. After this date all funds will be returned to the LOTTERY TREASURY as unclaimed. In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please endeavor to quote your Reference (LRP/19-DE/9317) and Batch numbers (LRP/06/41) in every correspondence with your agent. Furthermore, should there be any change in your address, do inform your claims agent as soon as possible.

    Congratulations once again from all members of our staff and thanks for being part of our program.

    Yours faithfully,
    Hans-Peter Schössler
    Managing Director
    LOTTO Rheinland-Pfalz.

  • #20   11. nov 2006 Der findes godt nok et lotteri Rheinland Pfalz... men på deres hjemmeside advarer de også imød falske emails!!

  • #21   11. nov 2006 Lotto Rhineland-Palatinate warns its customers of such dubious "prize writings" per E-Mail which are presently in circulation. The concerning people who got in touch so far report of an E-Mail in English language in which they are claimed as the winner of a special lottery which has supposed to be arranged of Lotto Rhineland-Palatinate.

    In this writing the impression is aroused that the gambling company from Koblenz is the addresser. E.g. the firms logo has been used unauthorised as well as the name of the companies manager as the addresser.

    The mentioned game has not been arranged by Lotto Rhineland-Palatine. On the contrary: The company has meanwhile reported an offense to the police against the initiator of these E-Mails.

    Lotto Rhineland-Palatine disadvises urgently to answer these writings. "We have nothing to do with the presumably criminal initiator" says Lotto manager Hans-Peter Schössler. "Attending our lotteries is a matter of trust. Lotto Rhineland-Palatinate is a trustworthy company and organises games of luck with a state-run licence for over 50 years in our federal state."

  • #22   11. nov 2006 hold da op hvor du bare vinder idag :-))))


  • #23   11. nov 2006 jeg fik engang en mail, hvor jeg angivligt kunne arve noget fra en i sydafrika, fordi advokaten ikke kunne finde en arving i DK og jeg tilfældigt havde samme efternavn!

  • #24   11. nov 2006 Den sidste er der advaret mod flere gange i div. medier

  • #25   11. nov 2006 ja, men han ville også ha noget med 75% af arven i kommison!

Kommentér på:
Måske har jeg vundet.....??? =D
