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Når en hund er skarp! {{forumTopicSubject}}
Jeg har lagt mærke til, at mange bruger udtrykket skarp om visse racer.
Jeg taler her i forbindelse med lovlige racer.
Hvad er en skarp hund for dig, og hvordan kommer det til udtryk?
mar 2017
Følger: 6 Følgere: 9 Emner: 56 Svar: 3.276
Altså, at det er hund der bider (om nødvendigt)?
jun 2008
Følger: 45 Følgere: 57 Hunde: 8 Annoncer: 2 Emner: 239 Svar: 3.375
Ligesom "kvik".
maj 2008
Følger: 6 Følgere: 19 Hunde: 5 Emner: 30 Svar: 5.487
aug 2006
Følger: 38 Følgere: 69 Hunde: 4 Emner: 649 Svar: 47.885
Ofte med noget nerve.
maj 2008
Følgere: 65 Hunde: 2 Emner: 124 Svar: 6.719
apr 2016
Følger: 7 Følgere: 19 Hunde: 1 Emner: 7 Svar: 576
Her er lidt om "Sharpness", skrevet af Armin Winkler, som du måske vil finde interessant:
Sharpness is probably the most incorrectly used term in English dog terminology. I may be wrong here, but I thought the word sharpness was a translation of the German term "Schärfe." But the use of the term sharpness is very much a contradiction of the German term. In every conversation I have, people use sharpness synonymous with spooky or jumpy or nervy. But the word "Schärfe" in German texts is actually defined as being synonymous with aggression. So there certainly is a great discrepancy between the uses of the word.
The type of aggression that is talked about when the term sharpness is used seems to vary depending on the designed use of the dog. For example, in big game hunting dogs and terriers it refers particularly to the intensity and attitude with which these hunting dogs kill their respective prey. It is not prey drive as such; it is the actual killing response that is assessed. I have heard the term "gameness" used in the US in a similar context. For the large game hunting dogs the word used is "Wildschärfe," which translates as game sharpness. This assessment is made best when observing how the dog deals with wild boars. Because of the "bringing down" requirement in this type of hunting many of the dogs of these breeds use physical dominance techniques.
For terriers the term is "Raubzeugschärfe," which translates as small predator sharpness. Terriers are used to hunt and kill small predators such as martens, foxes, badgers, etc. It is no easy feat to kill these predators without suffering injury. So a particularly fast and furious shaking technique is very common, as is a chomping bite behavior. These types of sharpness categorize the dog's prey drive.
Now to the term that we should be most interested in for our service dogs. The term used here is "Mannschärfe," which translates into man sharpness. The definition of this quality states the following. The quality in the dog that leads him to actively confront any apparent, feigned, or actual threat from a person in a hostile manner. If I were to use terminology I have already discussed in this article I would say that sharpness could be equated to showing an active defense reaction to a real or perceived threat.
I did a fair bit of research and could not find anything written that stated that this quality has to come together with a low stimulation threshold for threat. So in fact how easily a dog is triggered does not seem to be a factor by definition. But to be fair, when I was growing up, the dogs we called sharp were the ones that would become very aggressive without much provocation. One thing that I never thought of when I used the term sharp was spooking away. In the old East German Koerung system, sharpness was rated from 0-5 with 5 being the most desirable. So when did sharpness become a bad thing? I don't know. I don't think it is a bad thing.
mar 2017
Følger: 6 Følgere: 9 Emner: 56 Svar: 3.276
Grunden til at jeg dog kom til at tænke over det, var at jeg så en udseendelse forleden, hvor man så en engelsk politihund der i et søg, pludseligt blev overfaldet af en Amerikansk Buldog i en gyde.
Den schæfer (eller Malle muligvis) nåede dæleme at registre angrebet, få drejet sig rundt og få bidt sig så godt fast, at Buldoggen kom alvorligt til skade, mens den selv kun fik en lille skramme. Godt nok imponerende skarp hund!
Faktisk et fantastisk klip, at se.
Jeg tror egentligt, at jeg selv har brugt og bruger ordet forkert i ny og næ, uden at tænke over det.
Men den her definition kan jeg godt lide:
If I were to use terminology I have already discussed in this article I would say that sharpness could be equated to showing an active defense reaction to a real or perceived threat.
Men det svarer vel også til CH's og Lenes defination et godt stykke af vejen.
@Minas far. Tak for den!
apr 2016
Følger: 7 Følgere: 19 Hunde: 1 Emner: 7 Svar: 576
apr 2018
Følger: 20 Følgere: 662 Emner: 124 Svar: 7.212
Skarp er for mig en hund med røv i bukserne.
jan 2006
Følger: 1 Følgere: 61 Hunde: 5 Annoncer: 1 Emner: 354 Svar: 14.424
jan 2006
Følger: 1 Følgere: 61 Hunde: 5 Annoncer: 1 Emner: 354 Svar: 14.424
Det er for mig ikke skarphed. Det du beskriver der, er “overskud” - altså imo
maj 2008
Følgere: 65 Hunde: 2 Emner: 124 Svar: 6.719
feb 2013
Følger: 8 Følgere: 25 Hunde: 3 Emner: 83 Svar: 7.464
aug 2008
Følger: 32 Følgere: 1467 Hunde: 9 Annoncer: 1 Emner: 30 Svar: 30.425
Når en hund er skarp!