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Apdo. Correos, 39

28760 Tres Cantos
Tlfno/Fax: Spain – 918036953 Madrid, 5 September 2008.

Subject: Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) “Dangerous” breed dogs in Denmark.

For the attention to: Her Majesty Margrethe Alexandrine Þorhildur Ingrid The Queen, The Right Honorable Anders Fogh Rasmussen Prime Minister and all the Right Honorables Ministers, The Right Honorable President of the Folketing and all the Honorables Folketing Members, All the Right Honorables Parliamentary Comissions Members, All the Right Honorables Parliamentary assembly Members, All the Right Honorables Parliamentary Groups Members, The Right Honorable Eva Kjer Hansen Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and all the honorables Members of this Ministry, The Honorable Chief of Justice and all the Honorables Supreme Court Members and Honorables Judicial Power Members, All the honorables Magistrates, To the Right Honorables Authorities responsible for the Regions, Communities and Provinces of Denmark , The Honorable Opposition Leader and all Honorables Leaders of all Political Parties with all his honorables Members and all the honorables Mass Media Directors.

Her Majesty, Honorable Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Honorable President of the Folketing and Honorables Members, Honorables Ministers, Honorables Parliamentary Members, Honorable Eva Kjer Hansen, Honorables Supreme Court Members, Honorables Judicial Power Members, Honorables Mayors and Councils, Opposition Honorables Members and Political Parties honorables Members, Honorables Mass Media Directors :

My name is Mariano Peinado and I am writing to you from Madrid, so please forgive any unintentional errors for my bad English. I love Denmark so much, beautiful Country and beautiful people.

I have the honour to be the president of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR DEFENCE CANINE AND HIS RESPONSIBLE OWNERS (IADCRO). For me is a great honour to write to you in the name of all IADCRO´S Representatives and Members and the thousands of animal rights lovers distributed around the world which endorse our work. I send you this information for your amiable consideration.

Located in Madrid the IADCRO currently is composed by 35 countries. Our goal is mutual despite the global barriers; to end any type of mistreat animal and to rid the public of dangerous irresponsible dog owners, independent of their breed.

Our recommendations has assisted Governments and local Governments to use the laws in direction the owners and not to the breed of dogs they happen to own negligently. Our priority is a shared mutual goal, to provide for public safety by addressing the reasons behind all dog attacks and fatalities, the negligent dog owners. In IADCRO we are preparing a great informative campaign for the citizens through mass media and our thousands of IADCRO´S members and followers specially by Internet, so that the citizens understand and know the information that we offer.

Five months ago we sent the information about Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) about “Dangerous” breed dogs in a letter similar to that that I am sending to you in this email, to the Ministry Agriculture of Dutch Government, Italy and Bermudas Government and these Governments verified the veracity and authenticity of the IADCRO information. Today we are very glad when we can read in the news that the Government of these Countries telling that the BSL don´t work and is not good for the security of the citizens:

Stop BSL in Dutch after of 15 years: (link fjernet)

Stop BSL in Italy: http://www.italymag.co.uk/italy/politics/scrapping-dog-blacklist-proposed

Stop BSL in Bermudas: http://usuarios.lycos.es/iadcro/bermuda.html

Spain and Colombia has also rectified their Laws after to take our recommendations, when the Government of this Countries has been decided to ban in the first moment the American Pit Bull Terrier. As with the Dutch, Italy and the Bermudas Governments, they have through years of failure to reduce dog related injuries, finally come to the understanding that banning by breed will not provide a safer public. This is an ownership issue not a breed issue.

In our humble opinion, the animals lovers we believe that it comes to mean that the information that we are sending to you in this email is important and update with good foundations and just for the animals rights, in this case for the dogs rights and we would be thankful to you if you have the amiability to consider it, so that the citizens and animal that live in your marvellous Country, can benefit from it contributing greater security for them.

In our opinion, the Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) about “Dangerous” breed dogs of Denmark already does not correspond to the present times in which we lived of modernity and culture times, where the love for the animals prevails in the most advanced countries.

I have provided our research data on the bite stats for several Cities and countries further in this correspondence, because is good idea for to open eyes to incredulous and sceptical people, so understood that would not be to discriminate and to catalogue breed dogs like Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous, only would should be to describe in the Law to the Potentially Dangerous dog like individual and by his activities of behavior, independently the size without giving importance if the dog is of one or the other breed dog or mixed dog. Also is necessary to describe in the Law to the owner irresponsible of dog and to describe in the Law too, the activities realised with dogs contemplated like crime, like for example it could be the organized fights with dogs or other activities in which mistreats or the life of the dog is put in risk.

STATISTICS OF COUNTRIES (Attacks) : http://usuarios.lycos.es/federacioni/statistics.htm

Our thinking is that all breeds can be dangerous or none, that the only means to identify what is or is not a dangerous dog like individual is by his behaviour and not by his breed.

Please, if you allow us to give you some recommendations, we would tell you that in our humble opinion the correct thing to realise, will be to modify the Law about Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) in the beautiful Denmark in which the names of breed dogs will not be mentioned, where it is punishes the irresponsible owner when they have shown negligent ownership with their dogs independent of the breed and instead "a law which punishes the guilty irresponsible owner of the accident and not the breed".

If one demonstrates that the dogs of the irresponsible owner (without concerning the breed or the size) are deemed "dangerous" by their behaviour then the dogs would be euthanized in a humane manner and not returned to the owner. Furthermore, the negligent dog owner would still face significant fines and be barred from ownership of any dog for a period no less than 10 years in the case of a sever and preventable attack.

By it our belief is that laws should legislate the humane not the canine for the dog learns by its masters voice. The Laws should not discriminate it should be written without the distinctions of breeds, size or strength of the animal, since the fundamental idea of the most important Institutions of the canine world and of the professionals around the dog, is that Potentially Dangerous breed dogs do not exist, since the strength of a dog is not synonymous of aggressiveness.

To catalogue breed dogs like dangerous would have to be prohibited, since it generates confusion, fear and social alarm between the citizens. In addition, it is the worse thing than it can happen to any breed dog, because this unjust cataloguing is the extermination of those breeds that were catalogued like " Dangerous” and the ruin of the work of many years ago of the breeders, scholars and lovers of this breed dogs. In many countries, to catalogue the breed dogs like Dangerous is prohibited by Law.

To rectify is of wise people and this attitude the citizens values it and are thankful by it and the animals right lover more, even more when this ineffective Law the BSL in our opinion also harms the Denmark Citizen rights property.

The breed dogs does not make bad dogs, is the people (Irresponsible and bad owners) that make it that way. Then the problem, Would be due to take a cut from the root, condemning to the irresponsible owners of dog, instead of condemning some breed dogs?. In honour to the justice, the full name of the breed dogs would be due to exclude from the BSL that catalogued themselves and classified like dangerous, since this unjust cataloguing is the worse sentence, the ruin and the extermination for any breed dog that has labelled it of that way and is not the advisable thing to find the solution of the problem.

Testimonies of the professionals around the world of the dog about dangerous breeds.


Acting in this sense Her Majesty, Honorable Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Honorable President of the Folketing and Honorables Members, Honorables Ministers, Honorables Parliamentary Members, Honorable Eva Kjer Hansen, Honorables Supreme Court Members, Honorables Judicial Power Members, Honorables Mayors and Councils, Opposition Honorables Members and Political Parties honorables Members, Honorables Mass Media Directors, in our opinion will be able to offer a greater protection to the citizens and at the same time also a greater protection to the dogs would be provided. Also to these noble breeds, the DIGNITY would be given back to them that was robbed to them of his noble heart.

We can observe, that in some countries where some breed dogs were catalogued like “Potentially Dangerous”, the attacks of dogs to people to the passage of the years after to be implanted the Law of “Dangerous Breeds” the same that the BSL not only did not fall, unfortunately were increased and by breed dogs that are not considered " Dangerous", as always it had been happening. Of it has comes the disappointment from many ex-owners of dogs in owning dogs, when they at the time acquired dogs of breeds catalogued like very good and helpful, used even like dogs for blind people, like they are the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Collie, etc. and could verify in his own meats, that these dogs educated incorrectly were very dangerous with the adult people and young. For this reason from IADCRO we insisted on recommending, that the Law would not must to discriminate or catalogue breeds for good or bad way and yes, would be needed to foment the responsible owner of dog in Denmark Law about dogs, indifferently the breed that the owners have.

In the next Link contains studies of the effects that prohibitive laws have on the population concerning, and it contains documents with guidelines to the legislators, so they can legislate in a fare way. It was proven by NAIA that every time that people get restrictions about dog ownership, the society becomes more vulnerable and feels more unsafe.


I hope that all this information, will be of your interest for your consideration Her Majesty, Honorable Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Honorable President of the Folketing and Honorables Members, Honorables Ministers, Honorables Parliamentary Members, Honorable Eva Kjer Hansen, Honorables Supreme Court Members, Honorables Judicial Power Members, Honorables Mayors and Councils, Opposition Honorables Members and Political Parties honorables Members, Honorables Mass Media Directors and will help it to create a very good and just Law that it provides security to the citizens and for the breed dogs from your beautiful Country.

All IADCRO´S Representatives and Members and the thousands of animals rights lovers distributed around the world which endorse our work and myself, we would be very much thankful to you if you would can considered to ban the Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) in your marvellous Country or at least modifying the text eliminating of the Law the names of the breed dogs catalogued like Dangerous and to describing in the Law to the Dangerous dog but always like individual one and by his activities of behavior and not by its breed, not giving importance to the size, the breed or the mestization and since that moment, the Law about Dangerous Dogs would begin to be effective for sure.

God Bless to you and your families. Best regards from Madrid, Spain. Yours truly,

Mariano Peinado
IADCRO´S President


Additional Information:

The American Pit Bull Terrier is the breed dog with worse image and more persecuted of all the breeds dogs, because some mass media talk with much sensationalism about this breed.

In IADCRO also we have something to say in this subject about this noble breed dog. I believe that now is a good moment so that the citizens know the truth;



Why there some people think that the American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed dog not recognized?.
















First Cloning in the canine specie and was realised with the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier:




Internacional American Pit Bull Terrier Federation



PLACES WITH BSL WE MUST BOYCOTT http://usuarios.lycos.es/iadcro/boicot.htm



Madrid, 14 de Agosto 2008 NEWS BOLETIN Madrid, 14 August 2008


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