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693 visninger | Oprettet:

Nogle gamle "digte" {{forumTopicSubject}}

Ja jeg ved ikke helt om man kan kalde dem digte..

Men jeg sad og kiggede min arto profil, og fandt 2 "digte" eg lavede da jeg stadig boed hos min mor, og hvor min psykisk belastning var på det værste (nu er den helt væk, dog kan den finde på at komme hvis jeg bliver meget stresset)

De er lavet nogle måneder før de blev udgivet, så datoen der står ved dem er udgivelses datoen (den dato jeg satte dem på arto)

De er på engelsk, og ja fyldt af stave og komma fejl :lol: Men syntes faktisk de er ret gode, i og med det er de eneste "digte" jeg har lavet smiley

Syntes der var på tide at udgive dem lidt videre smiley

Den første:

- Et "digt" lavet af mig

Blandet: 15-07-2005


Why is life so hard? Why do everyone need to be someone else, and mostly the best? I don't need that, I just want to be me, nobody else, just ME... I don't need high grades to be perfect, I don't need to dress like everybody else to have a style. I'm perfect as I am. and have my own style, that nobody can copy, cuz they don't know what kind of clothes i will wear the next day. I hate discos, so I never goes there, and I don't need it to make friends. So why do everyone whant to be perfect in a world who isn't??? Why do anybod care about others when nature don't??? I don't know, don't know anything, but HEY that's just me.. So many thoughts, so many people, so many stupid rules.. People talkes about what a pitty it is when animals lose their instincs, but what about us humans?? We have lost our instincs so much that some humans have forgot that they "just" are animals. Cuz that's what we are, animals. Animals who almost don't have any instincs left, do people think that's a pitty?? NO!! Thise are some of my many many thoughts. Hate it or love it, they are PERFECT..

© Cobyrights belong to Tanj/RatsterZoo

Den 2.:

- endnu et "digt"

Blandet: 12-08-2005


Black are such a nive color and right after babyblue it's my favorite color, so dark, so beutiful.. The only time I hate black is when I turn off the light and go to bed, cuz then people and animals, and other cretures and things comes and hunt me..

But I love when I don't have to sleep and just sit in the dark and black room, with GC on the sterio, and watch all the lights shine in the city, it looks like a fallen christmas tree, so bright, so beutyful in the black night..

Black clothes, black lether with spikes, black hats, pices of papers and nail polish, love it all.. I some time sits and paint some of the sites in my calender black, just to admire the color black, the color of hate and dead, 2 thing you are sure to expirement in life. My mind is black like the hate to my mum and sister. So this is black, just like this world..


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