The Twilight Saga

The Twilight Saga

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Bella: I love you.
Edward: You are my life now.

Edward: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Bella: What a stupid lamb.
Edward: What a sick, masochistic lion.

Edward: As you were sleeping, you said my name. You spoke so clearly, at first I thought you'd woken. But you rolled over restlessly and mumbled my name once more, and sighed. The feeling that coursed through me then was unnerving, staggering. And I knew I couldn't ignore you any longer.

Edward: If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it.

Alice: It's been almost a century that Edward's been alone. Now he's found you. You can't see the changes that we see, we who have been with him for so long. Do you think any of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you?

Jessica: Edward Cullen is staring at you.

Bella: I was afraid... because, for, well, obvious reasons, I can't stay with you. And I'm afraid that I'd like to stay with you, much more than I should.

Edward: I should have left long ago. I should leave now. But I don't know if I can.

Bella: So what you're saying is, I'm your brand of heroin?
Edward: Yes, you are exactly my brand of heroin.

Bella: I'm here... which, roughly translated, means I would rather die than stay away from you.

Edward: Your hair looks like a haystack, but I like it.

Edward: Do I dazzle you?
Bella: Frequently.

Edward: It makes me... anxious to be away from you. I wasn't joking when I asked you to try not to fall in the ocean or get run over last Thursday. I was distracted all weekend, worrying about you.

Edward: It would be more... prudent for you not to be my friend. But I'm tired of trying to stay away from you, Bella.

Bella:You're doing it again.
Edward: What?
Bella: Dazzling me.
Edward: Oh.
Bella: It's not your fault. You can't help it.

Edward:If leaving is the right thing to do, then I'll hurt myself to keep from hurting you, to keep you safe.
Bella: And you don't think I would do the same?
Edward: You'd never have to make the choice.

Edward: Bella, I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt you. You don't know how it's tortured me. The thought of you, still, white, cold - to never see you blush scarlet again, to never see that flash of intuition in your eyes when you see through my pretenses - it would be unendurable. You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever.

Edward: If you let anything happen to yourself - anything at all - I'm holding you personally responsible.

Bella: I miss you.
Edward: I know, Bella. Believe me, I know. It's like you've taken half my self away with you.
Bella: Come and get it, then.
Edward: Soon, as soon as I possibly can. I will make you safe first.
Bella:I love you.
Edward: Could you believe that, despite everything I've put you through, I love you, too?
Bella: Yes, I can, actually.
Edward: I'll come for you soon.
Bella: I'll be waiting.

Edward: As long as it makes you happy, I'll be here.
Bella: You're talking about forever, you know.

Edward: Friends don't let friends drive drunk.
Bella: Drunk?
Edward: You're intoxicated by my very presence.

Edward: Would I let a tree hurt you?

Edward: I will stay with you - isn't that enough?
Bella: Enough for now... Look, I love you more than everything else in the world combined. Isn't that enough?
Edward: Yes, it is enough. Enough for forever.


Edward: Bella, I can't live in a world where you don't exist.

Edward: How can I put this so that you'll believe me? You're not asleep, and you're not dead. I'm here, and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away. When I told you that I didn't want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy.

Edward: The odds are always stacked against us. Mistake after mistake. I'll never criticize Romeo again.

Edward: Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars- points of light and reason. And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything.

Edward: I can see where you might confuse me with a nightmare. But I can't imagine what you could have done to wind up in hell. Did you commit many murders while I was away?
Bella: Obviously not. If I was in hell, you wouldn't be with me.

Edward: Isabella Marie Swan. Do you believe that I asked the Volturi to kill me because I felt guilty?

Bella: The way I feel about you will never change. Of course I love you—and there's nothing you can do about it!
Edward: That's all I needed to hear.

Edward: My heart hasn't beat in almost ninety years, but this was different. It was like my heart was gone —like I was hollow. Like I'd left everything that was inside me here with you.
Bella: That's funny.
Edward: Funny?
Bella: I thought it was just me. Lots of pieces of me went missing, too. I haven't been able to really breathe in so long. And my heart. That was definitely lost.

Bella: I don't trust myself to be... enough. To deserve you. There's nothing about me that could hold you.
Edward: Your hold is permanent and unbreakable. Never doubt that.

Bella: The worst the Volturi can do is kill me. You can leave me. The Volturi, Victoria- they're nothing compared to that.

Edward: Your epiphany?
Bella: You love me.
Edward: Truly, I do.

Bella: Do you think I'll ever get better at this? That my heart might someday stop trying to jump out of my chest whenever you touch me?
Edward: I really hope not.

Bella: No matter what might ever happen to me, you are not allowed to hurt yourself!

Bella: I'd rather die than be with Mike Newton. I'd rather die than be with anyone but you.

Edward: Try to sleep, Bella.
Bella: No, I want you to kiss me again.
Edward: You're overestimating my self-control.
Bella: Which is tempting you more, my blood or my body?
Edward: It's a tie.


Edward: Bella, would you please stop trying to take your clothes off?
Bella: Do you want to do that part?

Edward: This is unbearable. So many things I've wanted to give you — and this is what you decide to demand. Do you have any idea how painful it is, trying to refuse you when you plead with me this way?
Bella:Then don't refuse.

Renee: There's something . . . strange about the way you two are together. The way he watches you — it's so . . . protective. Like he's about to throw himself in front of a bullet to save you or something.

Renee: It's not just him. I wish you could see how you move around him.
Bella: What do you mean?
Renee: The way you move — you orient yourself around him without even thinking about it. When he moves, even a little bit, you adjust your position at the same time. Like magnets . . . or gravity. You're like a . . . satellite, or something. I've never seen anything like it.

Bella: I know who I can't live without.

Edward: I love you. I want you. Right now.

Charlie: Isn't Edward up for a little healthy competition?
Bella: There's no competition.

Bella:I think it's something about the inevitability. How nothing can keep them apart — not her selfishness, or his evil, or even death, in the end. . . .
Edward: I still think it would be a better story if either of them had one redeeming quality.
Bella:I think that may be the point. Their love is their only redeeming quality.
Edward: I hope you have better sense than that — to fall in love with someone so . . . malignant.
Bella: It's a bit late for me to worry about who I fall in love with. But even without the warning, I seem to have managed fairly well.

Edward: But if you ever bring her back damaged again — and I don't care whose fault it is; I don't care if she merely trips, or if a meteor falls out of the sky and hits her in the head — if you return her to me in less than the perfect condition that I left her in, you will be running with three legs. Do you understand that, mongrel?

Edward: And if you ever kiss her again, I will break your jaw for her.

Jacob: May the best man win.
Edward: Sounds about right... pup.

Edward: I won't let anything happen to you.
Bella: I'm not worried about myself so much.
Edward: Why am I not surprised by that?

Edward: Everyone else is able to get away with giving you things. Everyone but me. I would have loved to get you a graduation present, but I didn't. I knew it would have upset you more than if anyone else did. That's utterly unfair. How do you explain yourself?
Bella: Easy. You're more important than everyone else. And you've given me you. That's already more than I deserve, and anything else you give me just throws us more out of balance.

Bella: Here's the thing . . . I've already gone crazy once. I know what my limits are. And I can't stand it if you leave me again.

Edward: Never be afraid to tell me how you feel, Bella. If this is what you need . . .You are my first priority.
Bella: I didn't mean it that way - like you have to choose me over your family.
Edward:I know that. Besides, that's not what you asked. You gave me two alternatives that you could live with, and I chose the one that I could live with. That's how compromise is supposed to work.

Edward: Isabella Swan? I promise to love you forever - every single day of forever. Will you marry me?
Bella: Yes.

Bella: It's a good thing you're bulletproof. I'm going to need that ring. It's time to tell Charlie.

Edward: I was all braced for the wrath that was going to put grizzlies to shame, and this is what I get? I should infuriate you more often.

Bella: I'll tell you what's dangerous. I'm going to spontaneously combust one of these days... and you'll have no one but yourself to blame.

Edward: I'm sorry. I was wrong. It's much easier to have the proper perspective when I have you safely here. I go a little berserk when I try to leave you.

Edward: Sleep, my Bella. Dream happy dreams. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep, my only love.

Bella: Slumber parties do have their advantages... You can hold me hostage any time you want.


Edward: Bachelor parties are designed for those who are sad to see the passing of their single days. I couldn't be more eager to have mine behind me. So there's really no point.

Bella: Practice makes perfect.
Edward: Well, we should be fairly close to perfection by this point, then, shouldn't we? Have you slept at all in the last month?
Bella: But this is the dress rehearsal, and we've only practiced certain scenes. It's no time for playing safe.

Bella: I know it will be hard, but this is what I want. I want you, and I want you forever. One lifetime is simply not enough for me.

Edward: I don't want you to have to make sacrifices for me. I want to give you things, not take things away from you. I don't want to steal your future. If I were human-
Bella: You are my future.

Edward: I've been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan.

Edward: I'll meeet you at the alter.
Bella: I'll be the one in white.

Edward: Enjoying the party, Mrs. Cullen?
Bella: That will take a while to get used to.
Edward: We have a while.

Bella: I could get used to this.
Edward: Don't tell me you've gotten over your dancing issues?
Bella: Dancing isn't so bad—with you. But I was thinking more of this, of never having to let you go.
Edward: Never.

Bella: Beautiful.
Edward: It's alright. But I wouldn't use the word beautiful. Not with you standing here in comparison.

Bella: Don't be afraid. We belong together.
Edward: Forever.

Bella: Why am I covered in feathers?
Edward: I bit a pillow. Or two.

Edward: You look so guilty - like you've committed a crime.
Bella: I feel guilty.
Edward: So you seduced your all-too-willing husband. That's not a capital offense.

Bella: I love you.
Edward: As I love you.

Bella: You've been holding out on me.
Edward: It was sort of necessary at the time. Now it's your turn to not break me.

Bella: Oops. I didn't mean to tackle you like that. Are you okay?
Edward: Slightly better than okay.

Edward: Bella needs to see our daughter. Get out of her way.

Edward: Hurry back to me.
Bella: Always.

Edward: He looks at me and sees... what his father should have been.
Bella: You are fairly ideal in every way.

Bella: Now you know. No one's ever loved anyone as much as I love you.
Edward: You're almost right. I know of just one exception.
Bella: Liar.

Edward: Forever and forever and forever.
Bella: That sounds exactly right to me.

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