World dog show World dog show
From Tone Karlsen:
WARNING!!!!! For those of you who have attended the world dog show in Salzburg, beware that your dog might have caught the New Parvo strain from dogs from Cyprus. Monica, a Norwegian breeder og Jack Russel, lost her dog, Anton to parvo this morning in Cyprus. She brought her dogs to Cyprus before last weekends dog show( which , I attended) . Her dogs are vaccinated for Parvo of course. Some of the other dogs caught it also, but did not get that sick. The local vet in Cyprus told that a lot of dogs have come down sick after the show. Since i came home from Cyprus this morning, I am now in some sort of Quarantine myself so I do not ´give it to my dogs.
OG det betyder, at den nye virus KAN være i Danmark nu. Derfor bedes du hjælpe med at sprede denne advarsel !!!!!!!!! På forhånd tak.
jan 2011
Følger: 39 Følgere: 31 Hunde: 3 Emner: 166 Svar: 5.314
nov 2008
Følger: 14 Følgere: 37 Hunde: 5 Emner: 126 Svar: 1.727
jan 2011
Følger: 39 Følgere: 31 Hunde: 3 Emner: 166 Svar: 5.314
jan 2012
Følger: 23 Følgere: 23 Hunde: 2 Emner: 106 Svar: 4.202
jan 2011
Følger: 39 Følgere: 31 Hunde: 3 Emner: 166 Svar: 5.314
feb 2011
Følger: 5 Følgere: 4 Hunde: 2 Emner: 14 Svar: 145
her står det grundlæggende om den nye parvovirus
jan 2011
Følger: 39 Følgere: 31 Hunde: 3 Emner: 166 Svar: 5.314
Møg sygdomme de er trælse når de ændrer sig sådan...
jul 2010
Følger: 59 Følgere: 53 Emner: 215 Svar: 12.872
jan 2011
Følger: 39 Følgere: 31 Hunde: 3 Emner: 166 Svar: 5.314
okt 2009
Følger: 93 Følgere: 85 Hunde: 3 Emner: 457 Svar: 4.614
aug 2007
Følger: 12 Følgere: 11 Hunde: 6 Emner: 29 Svar: 276
Cyprus Kennel Club
These malicious allegations are totally without foundation,
The Cyprus Kennel Club officially announces that the malicious allegations about a new strain of parvovirus from dogs from Cyprus has affected dogs after the show, are totally without foundation, After an investigation conducted by the Veterinary Association of Cyprus and the Veterinary Services of Cyprus the result is : there has been No death of a dog from parvovirus that has done all of the recommended vaccines. Then, on the subject of the death of a dog, breed: Jack Russell terrier 2 years old, that there was a misinformation that the dog died of parvovirus, we have asked and we have repeatedly requested the findings of blood examinations or biopsy or necropsy but we had no respond. Probable cause of death , after photos circulated on the Internet whether the dog was playing among other dogs, puppies included in the yard and fields during day time possibly during high temperatures and was swimming in a swimming pool that may contain high amounts of chlorine for dogs, rises many question marks . Approximately 300 dogs were presented daily in the show and after conducting a comparative investigation, none has reported any unusual outbreak of diarrhea or any other signs of illness .
We are deeply sorry for the loss of the dog and would like to express our sympathies
maj 2008
Følger: 8 Følgere: 5 Emner: 1 Svar: 50
World dog show