Vibeke A

Kvinde, 56 år, Sønderjylland
Oprettet: 20. jan 2014
Offline - Senest online: 29. aug 2018 Bruger er på filterliste

I was born in Denmark, but spent years abroad too. It took me a LONG time to finally set roots in life and become who I truly am.

Being an air-sign (Aquarius) I tend to do or say things just to make people stop for a while and THINK! I also have a tendency to sometimes (pretend I) take things literally just to make people laugh :D

I speak with all kinds of people but only very VERY few people are invited into my inner circle and if I reach out to YOU and start sharing my deeper thoughts, you can be pretty sure that it is because I want to know what makes you tick. :)

I have never been, nor will I ever be a person who judges another human by how they look, what they do for a living or wether or not that person has a "name". For me it has ALWAYS been about the PERSON.

Just to sum it all up: I can be pretty deep, and discuss the BIG questions in life, and then suddenly, out of the blue do or say something really silly, just to make people around me wake up and smile. I am always looking out for...well...kindred spirits.)

For me the most important things in life are love and laughter, friendships and knowledge.
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