Blanding af racer Marley Blanding af racer Marley Blanding af racer Marley Blanding af racer Marley Blanding af racer Marley

Sissel M

Kvinde, 32 år, Sønderjylland
Oprettet: 14. jun 2012
Offline - Senest online: 7. feb 2018 Bruger er på filterliste

Dogs are love. Unconditional love. Boundlessly energetic love. Can make the worst day ever better love. Always by your side love. Enthusiastic, tail wagging, so-happy-your-here love. Barking, fetching, running, catching love. 100% loyal love. Wait by the door till you come home love. I don't care how you look like love. Will do anything for you love. It's my job to protect you love. Even when you don't share the people feed love. Pure adoration & unrestrained affection love. Sorry I ate all your shoes/ I think your the best person in the whole world/ playful/ trusting/ will always come when you call me love. I'll be your furry friend for life love!
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