Staffordshire bull terrier * Stella* Staffordshire bull terrier * Stella* Staffordshire bull terrier * Stella* Staffordshire bull terrier * Stella* Staffordshire bull terrier * Stella*
Lotte J
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Lotte J

Kvinde, 62 år, Nordjylland
Oprettet: 12. sep 2004
Offline - Senest online: i dag kl. 16:17 Bruger er på filterliste

If you don't want to be greeted with paws and swinging tails don't come inside because dogs live here.
If you don't like the feel of a cold nose or a wet tongue, don't come inside because dogs live here.
If you don't want to step over many scattered toys, don't come inside because dogs live here.
If you think that a home ought to smell of perfume, don't come inside because dogs live here.
If you don't mind all of this, you will be instantly loved when you come inside, because dogs live here.
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